Monday, December 31, 2012
Photo-finish in 2012
- renewed our car registration
- renewed hubby's driver's license
- renewed my driver's license
- stayed up overnight (nagpuyat) to finish Swe-cha's photo album for his 1st birthday (oo, 2 years delayed na and if my voucher weren't expiring on 12/30, this will probably still remain pending, haha!). The good news is that if this comes out nice, it'll inspire me to get started on his photobooks for his 1st, 2nd and 3rd years.
- submitted our elections for our medical & dependent FSA (photo-finish rin ito, last minute submission for the 12/31 deadline)
- hubby finally put up the plastic sheet that we use to seal our balcony door against winter drafts, our master bedroom is so much warmer now! Let's see if he can put up the one for our living room balcony door & possibly get another one for our 2nd bedroom's windows.
- threw trash away (lots of them - around 7 big grocery bags. he kept going down to the trash chute to get rid of pahabol soiled diapers because Swe-cha kept pooping. He was probably purging himself for the new yera too :)
2012 has been a wonderful year and came with lots of blessings for our family (hindi ko na iisa-isahin, overwhelming kasi).
We wish you all a blessed 2013 :)
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Dishwasher - another DIY

The bad news is that we had just replaced our washing machine last month and our wallets aren't quite ready for this on top of the holiday spending for December. The good news is that, apparently, compared to other appliances, dishwashers are pretty affordable and since ours is a standard-sized dishwasher, you could easily get one for as low as $250 or as high as the high $1000 range.
We decided to DIY the installation as it seemed fairly straightforward. We saved ourselves between $90 (handyman fee) and at least $139 (home depot installation fee) or $169 (Sears installation fee) by doing the installation ourselves. It would cost more than $139 or $169 to have it installed professionally because we also needed an electrician to do power hookups.
For this project, I did the wiring and hubby did the plumbing.
Here is the new washer, we will install the footboard (the cover at the bottom of the washer) and remove the plastic sheet on the door & the energy guide sticker after we run it a few times and make sure that there are no leaks.
We've already run a load last night and it ran wonderfully - quiet and efficient.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
The forgotten one
He claims that he did not forget my birthday but he just lost track of the days - but hey, does it really matter at this point ?
It's been a few weeks and I still have not quite forgotten how it was to be forgotten. Other than the side comments (translation: parinig) every now and then, I've been pretty good about it, I think. I've been extra nice (possibly so he'd feel even more remorseful, I don't really know) and even got him a Samsung Note II (okay, it was more like a joint decision and he was long overdue for a cellphone upgrade but I said yes to the additional expense).
Anyway, I'm beginning to think that having one's birthday forgotten does have its perks. I am blogging now, see ? Hubby put our child to bed tonight and despite Swe-cha still being awake after 2 hours, I don't hear any screaming from hubby. He's still hanging in there patiently. Goodness knows how disappointed / mad I will be if he cannot do this one thing - put our child to bed - for me tonight.
Also, he's taken the enormous task of doing general-cleaning in our house. Our place has been in total chaos, even more so after I started working again. He volunteered himself for this task (w/o any reference to forgetting my birthday) and I promised him that in return, I'll stop with the snide comments.
If and when he finishes cleaning up our house & organizing our closets ? Okay na and it'll be worth the heartache (or close). Yes, our house has gotten *that* bad.
Chili Sauce Container
Pictured is a container of chili sauce - the type that you usually get with dimsum. When we get some dumplings for take-out, we usually get a small container or two of the chili sauce and they come in those flimsy disposable containers. They're okay but they do tend to spill.
Don't worry, I don't plan on using these bottles for breastmilk ever again :-)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
My not-so-baby brother
As I was helping him pack his luggage*, it suddenly occurred to me this was probably the last time I was going to pack his stuff for him because the next time he comes visiting, he'd be a married man! His wife will be doing the packing, haha!
I found myself in tears that night. My baby brother may still be a baby when it comes to packing luggage but he's all grown up.
* our older sister helped pack his bags for him when he left CA and our Dad probably packed his luggage when he left Manila :)
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The thing is,... she didn't see what we brought in 2 weeks ago, these bottles of water & packs of toilet paper are from a separate shopping trip. If she had seen these, her eyes would pop out.
So why do we do this ?
Simple. Our warehouse club membership is expiring and since these are the only things that we buy there - bottled water (for when we go out on trips), toilet paper and roasted seaweed, I didn't think that $55 a year was worth the savings that we get from these supplies. So, the plan is to buy a lot and just renew our membership when we run out. These will surely last us months.
Yep, I'm cheap that way.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Hurricane Sandy

- storm of the century
- catastrophic
- Frankenstorm
I didn't really have much to prepare since we almost always are well-stocked, just bought some fresh bread this morning and we should be set though I do realize that we may not have enough for Swe-cha (will have to rethink his menu).
The only preparation that I did was to purchase a lantern. We have flashlights and candles, but I realize that candles aren't really the best things to have around when you have a toddler plus they hardly give any light. Friend E recommended this and I ordered last Friday. I figure, even if this arrives after Hurricane Sandy, we'll be prepped for the next one.
Thankfully, fortune must have been smiling down on us (Thank you, Lord!) when I put in my order online yesterday because guess what I found in today's mail? Yep, it's here. We've tested it and it gives off a very bright light (240 lumens on high mode).
Checked to make sure that we still have butane for the portable stove (we have an electric stove) so we should be set.
Please pray for us and hope that everybody stays safe.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Itchy foot
Monday, October 15, 2012
This greeted me when I got home this afternoon, it was such a welcome sight. We were running out of diapers and our regular diaper subscription decided to take its time getting to us.
Last night, in an effort to look for diapers, I was reduced to scrounging around in the different bags we've used as diaper/baby bags, that pocket in the stroller, and the areas behind the bed and between the mattress & the bedrails. I even got to the point where I contemplated using swim diapers instead of regular ones. Expensive kasi if we'll buy from the grocery.
It didn't help that just when we were running out and needed to hold out till we get the new delivery, Swe-cha chooses yesterday to go on another of his pooping sprees (he wants to challenge Mommy) - 4 poopy-diapers in 1 day. Imagine that!
Anyway, I'll order an extra box as a precaution, I don't want to run out of diapers again.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
This morning, after church, while on our way to the happiest place in NJ (Mitsuwa), our conversation went like this:
hubby: what episode are you in Star trek Enterprise ?
me: yung "Civilization", ano yun ? 5 ? 6 yata (it was episode 8, as it turns out).
hubby: naaliw ka na no! Addict!
me: oo nga eh *sheepish grin* it's nice. I never thought I'd watch it ever, I never got interested until now... but then again, basta hindi [Captain] Janeway, okay lang. i don't like the Star trek w/ Janeway.
hubby: ha ? baket ?
me: basta ayaw ko. I know medyo unfair, kasi I've never watched a Janeway episode ever... pero basta ayoko. hate ko siya.
hubby: are you sure /
me: oo, ayaw ko si janeway. i like kirk. i like picard and now, i like archer. basta wag si Janeway. pero note ah, I just like kirk pero ayoko manood ng episode nila, ang corny na ng effects eh, sobrang luma. yung parang may mini godzilla aliens na parang malalaglag yung mask anytime ?
hubby: naalala mo si Tuvoc ? Neelix ? chaka si 7 of 9 ?
me: oo! I like that.
At this point, I was remembering those episodes fondly, ...
me: remember that episode ? si Tuvix ? yung na merge si Tuvoc and Neelix ? I like that.
hubby: that's Janeway.
me: ano ?
hubby: Janeway na Star Trek yun.
me: Ha ? Ang gulo mo kausap.
hubby: hindi, haha! [and then he started relating other episodes which I really enjoyed watching and characters which I liked] Naalala mo yung Maqui diba ? sila Chacote ? si torres ?
me: oh.
I blame the anesthesia (C-section) for the forgetfulness. ;)
Kawawa naman si Captain Janeway.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Washing machine
The thing is, we reside in a small two-bedroom condo and our washer resides in one of our upstairs hall closets - not a lot of space. Given the situation, we're limited to compact portable washers and they're not exactly cheap.
Another factor to consider is that God-willing, we don't plan on staying here any longer than we have to (translation: real house!) and when we do move out, we want a full-sized, heavy-duty washer in the new place. In short, the washer is staying.
What i'm trying to say is that at this point, we're looking for something:
- small, should fit in the closet
- usable, of course!
- cheap, preferably below the $500 mark (cost of the new washing machine + cost to get rid of the old one)

And our search has brought up to this point, we found a nice portable washer from and it had good reviews.
To save on shipping costs, we availed of their site-to-store service (free) and picked the washer up from the nearest location. Hubby and I carried, pulled, pushed, rolled (we had a trolley) this all the way from the car to our 2nd floor condo entrance and then up another flight of stairs to our 2nd floor closet (3rd floor relative to the bldg).
It was a BIG 90 lb package. the weight wasn't really an issue, it's just that it was so big and well, hallways, doorways and stairways are tight around here.
As for the old washer, we had paid our fave handyman & his son $80 to haul it out ($40 goes to the town dump for recycling fees).
Next came the unboxing. I will not bore you with the tons of pictures I took - excited kasi - and let's jump to the part where we already have it installed in its place.
It fits just right, no ?
There's 27 inches from the back wall to the sliding door. The new washer's depth is 22 inches, add a few more inches for the hoses & water connections at the back and that is it. Looking at this makes me really relieved that we did not go for the heavy-duty full-sized washer that wasn't a lot more expensive than this (and is a good and known brand), it was 25 inches deep and we were thinking that it might fit.
Hindi pala. now, I realize why my neighbor had to take the doors off her laundry closet - she had a full sized washer installed.
here is a top view of the new machine.
Yes, it's a Magic Chef. We've run a few loads and it does clean nicely, it's also more spacious than the old one because there is no agitator in the center of the tub.
I also like that we can program a delay so you can load up the washer at night and delay the actual run till the next day. You can also program the load size (6 settings), water temperature (hot, warm, cold), wash types (cotton, permanent press, delicates, etc) and cycles (wash, rinse and spin). It's so useful for us because hubby always likes to run an extra rinse cycle after everything is done - oo, magastos sa tubig. My only complaint is that there's no way to change/program the default settings so we have to go through the entire selection process each time we use it.
Sound levels are also amazing. I barely hear a swishing or humming sound, depending on what type of cycle it is on, and only when I listen intently.
Our total costs came to a little less than $400 + some hard work in bringing the new one home and setting it up. Overall, I'm happy and the past 1.5 weeks that we've had to live with using our bldg laundry room for washing our clothes has not been easy - it's so very inconvenient - because we have to walk back/forth and remember to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer and then pick it up afterwards.
Eto pang si bulilit, kung kelan nagtitipid sa clean clothes, saka pa gumagamit ng up to 3 sets of clothes sa daycare and anther 3 sets of sleeping clothes at night (leaks).
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
He also likes having his own cup of iced tea (of course, if Mommy and Daddy each has one, why shouldn't he ?) so we'd ask for an extra cup & just pour a little for him.
Enjoy na siya nyan :)
So far, we've been doing these 3 Saturday afternoons in a row.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Hello there
I don't have much time but I just want to jot down some popcorn thoughts as they come to mind :)
I have been unimaginably busy these past months but I am slowly getting into the groove of things and I am now able to breathe.
Work is great. I've met a lot of new people, made new friends and am starting to "network" with a lot of great and talented people. I love feeling useful again outside of the home environment.
August also saw us moving Swe-cha to a new daycare. His old school was taking on too many kids and there weren't enough staff so kids were mostly unsupervised and so we decided to move - of course, me having an income made the decision easier because tuition at the new place is steeper than the old one. It's taken us a month but I find Swe-cha playing and running around now when I pick him up at the end of the day. It broke my heart each time (these past weeks) when I'd pick him up from the playground in the afternoon and I'd find that he'd been sitting at the gate waiting for me all the time.
I took a day off from work today. Had some appointments to attend, including a doctor's appointment for me, and got home in time to start preparations for beef tendon noodle soup ( will share recipe! ang bango! ). I'm hoping that Swe-cha likes it.
Will be staying home tomorrow as well as Swe-cha's school is closed for Yom Kippur. Last week, they closed for Rosh Hashanah. *sigh* Each time they have a school holiday, my pocket hurts because either hubby or I have to stay home from work and we still have to pay full tuition anyway.
I started my day off today working moving around - much much more than I usually do at work. Swe-cha welcomed the day by playing w/ poop (sigh!) and after giving him a bath (again), I had to quickly clean & disinfect his play area & toys. Of course, I had to do the entire thing because I don't know what he touched with his soiled hands. And guess what the little one was doing while I was cleaning his play area ? He decided that stairs are a great playground so he went up and started HOPPING DOWN the steps while singing Baby Bop's (Barney) Hop Hop Hop song. I didn't even realize that he had climbed over the fence that defines his play area. Yes, my heart had a great cardio workout.
Then, it was time to go. While he didn't really fight me while I was getting him changed to go out, he didn't cooperating either. Imagine trying to put clothes on a limp rag doll the size & weight of a toddler. Ang hirap! Took me more than 10 minutes to get him changed when it should've been only a minute or two.
Hangkolet. But I wouldn't trade this for the world :)
Monday, August 27, 2012
Space Bags to the Rescue
Finally got around to cornering hubby & getting him to bring out the spacebags (both the original spacebags and the cheaper imitations) so we can put all the (clean!) pillows & sheets that my family used during their visit last month.
Yep, you heard it right. It took us 2.5 weeks to store them away. This is the part where eyebrows start going up but what can I say ? This is how we operate (we're slow!) so you can understand why a simple thing as being able to put something away & storing it properly is considered such a big accomplishment in our house.
In fairness, it took a while to get everything washed up & cleaned because we have such a tiny washer/dryer and we also have our daily wash to attend to. And our little guy gets anxious when we bring the vacuum cleaner out so one of us has to hug/comfort him while the other vacuums the air out of the bags.
Anyway, did I ever mention how much I love spacebags ? It's such a great thing to have, especially for those who do not have lots of storage space in their closets.
Friday, August 17, 2012
SPAM Mail at Work
Apparently, someone had sent out some billing information to the wrong distribution list and it was sent out to everybody by mistake. One lady started by replying to all & asking "am I supposed to be in this email ?" and pretty soon, a lot more people were replying to all & saying "I'm not supposed to be in this list" and "me too!"
There were also a lot of emails that said "PLEASE DO NOT REPLY ALL" in big bold letters which, ironically, the senders also sent out to everybody by replying-all.
I don't envy the original sender the damage control that he has to do because he did send out potentially confidential information to everybody - no, I did not read the original email so he has 1 less person to worry about. Can't imagine making a mistake on a more global level than this. :(
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Petite Short Pants
But sometimes, I can't help but wish that I were a few inches taller. You see, when I buy pants, they almost always have to have the lengths adjusted no matter what size I buy - petite, short,... Problem is, I'm a smart buyer (translation: kuripot) and would mostly buy clothing only when they're on sale and if I factor in the cost of getting the lengths adjusted, that would bring the price up to (almost) full price. This does not sit well with me, so I do my own hemming with what meager sewing skills and tools I have.
Last week, I bought several pairs of dress pants / trousers and I finally received them today. I had been dreading this package because I wasn't looking forward to hemming several pieces in a short span of time.
Imagine to my surprise when I fit all 4 trousers and realized that they were the perfect length! I had ordered the items in this size based on an earlier in-store purchase, that one was a tad long and needs to be hemmed but it fit me well. I wasn't able to find any more of the same brand / size in the store so I ordered more online as soon as I got home.
Yay. Now, I know that for Apt 9, I'm a Petite-Short (meron pala!).
Friday, June 29, 2012
Cheer up, Granny
60s lady : do you get to go out with your friends ?
80s lady : no, they're all dead. I'm the only one left.
60s lady : and your children ?
80s lady : they live far away, the nearest one is more than an hour away. I live alone, I don't want to go into an institution so in the winter, I even shovel my own snow.
60s lady : do you take any medication ?
80s lady : None, no medication at all. I live a healthy life.
60s lady : wow. you are something. I cannot imagine myself living for years and years after everybody has died or has gone away. I wouldn't be able to bear it, it's sad!
and at that point, I thought to myself, "great job cheering grandma up."
Tomorrow, if we hear about a depressed grandma who ran into a bus in tomorrow's news, you know whose fault it was.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Bank Charges
So sneaky!
I called up the bank and asked nicely if they could reverse the charges. The bank rep checked and put me on hold and when she came back, she says that since the $3 were charges for something I had already seen online and that before those images came up, I had gone through a couple of pages & clicked buttons and agreed that I was going to be charged, then there was nothing she can do for me. Those charges cannot be reversed.
Disappointed. I told her (in a sad voice) that this is the first time that I was truly disappointed in my bank. I've been a depositor for several years and have kept my account open and active, whether or not I was employed and the amount I keep in there is quite substantial. Now, since they're going to be charging me left and right for things that I might see on the web when I access my account - and they make it so easy for me to see things because they provide links to the images when I look at my account activity - then I'd be scared of doing anything and that will render my account with them useless. I see no point in keeping this account active.
And suddenly, surprise surprise, bank rep interrupts me and says "oh, I figured out a different way of reversing the charges. There, the charges are reversed."
hmp. I thought so.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
First Weigh-In
I haven't really made any big changes - not ones where I starve myself because I wouldn't be able to sustain that - but instead, I've decided to make small steps that are easier and less painful.
My first step was to stop taking 2nd helpings of rice and with this, I lost 2 lbs in 6 weeks. It's not much but I don't mind because I barely felt the effort (konting sad lang if feeling bitin kasi masarap ang ulam).
Now, my next step is to take have smaller servings of rice, I want to eventually cut down my rice intake to about half of what I take now. Hopefully, I lose more than 2lbs at the next weigh-in. I'm thinking about giving up my DD iced tea fix... but since it's still 99c per cup all summer long, I'll give that up when prices go back to normal :P
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Old Rival
Also had a pleasant surprise this morning when someone from the past called. I thought this was all behind me. But hey, let's see where this goes.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Bradley-Pacquiao Fight
Well, last weekend's fight was so different from those previous ones. Up until Bradley was announced as the winner, we were kept in suspense and honestly did not know who would win. To us, both boxers deserved the title.
Now that Bradley has been crowned the winner, it's sad to hear a lot of my countrymen crying foul. Loyalty is good but hey, so is good sportsmanship. Nobody likes to lose but can we please stop crying "luto" or "daya" (cheating) when our bets do not win ?
Isa pa to si Manny... just now, i read an article where he was quoted as saying:
“Wala namang doubt, talagang klarung-klaro that I won the fight.
“Irespeto na lang natin ang desisyon ng mga judges.
For those who do not understand, let me translate as best as I can.
"There's no doubt, it's really clear that I won the fight."
"Let's just respect the decision of the judges."
Funny how he issues a statement that is the complete opposite of the judges' decision where he states that he is the clear winner and then follows that with a call to respect the decision of the judges. If you respect their decision, then you'd have to accept the loss too.
Whatever happened to grace ?
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Ayaw raw o!
Mom says, in a snobby-sounding voice, "why do you like Jollibee so much ? Here ? We don't want it anymore. Sobrang sawa na kami." and the rest of our conversation went like this:
Me: "e Mommy, we like Jollibee because once a year is the most that we can have Jollibee (that is when we visit them in California). Kayo, you're probably sawa because it's so near, you can have it everyday."
Mom: "hindi na nga, ayaw na namin, we don't have Jollibee at all"
Me: "okay, not everyday... sige, every week."
Mom: "hindi nga, matagal na. hindi na talaga kami kumakain ng Jollibee."
Me: "Ediba nung Tuesday lang, sabi mo the kids ate left over Jollibee burger steak ? So ibig sabihin you had it a few days earlier tapos ate the rest again later."
Mom: "oo, mga bata yun."
and then my Dad comes into the room and I hear Mom tell him "pauwi na si B (my sister), may dalang Jollibee breakfast para sa atin."
When mom comes back to the phone...
Me: "O, may Jollibee bfast kayo ? Akala ko ba ayaw nyo ng Jollibee at di kayo bumibili ? last week nag Jollibee kayo.,.. today meron ulit Jollibee. Akala ko sawang-sawa na kayo ?"
Mom: "si Achi mo yan bumili chaka breakfast yun."
Me: "Teka, so nung sinabi mo na ayaw NYO na ng Jollibee, sino yun ? Ikaw at si Dad lang pala ?"
Mom: "Hindi, lahat kami ayaw."
Me: "e bakit nag Jollibee kayo last week ?"
Mom: "Mga bata yun. BURGER STEAK nga eh," (emphasis on the burger steak, not sure why)
... at this point, I changed the topic na. Feeling ko, di kami mag kakaintindihan.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Vietnamese Pho
While paying for our order, I asked the proprietor, "how do you say it ? Is it PHO ? or FO ?"
and he responds, "it's FAO".
Nya :D
Friday, June 8, 2012
Water Damage
Remember that leak in the bathroom ceiling that started last year that we finally got fixed early this year ? Well, since it's been raining these days, I've been staring at the ceiling at times and now, there seems to be a suspicious bulge in the paint. I'm scared to poke it lest we find out that there's water but we're going to have to do that pretty soon before it causes even more water damage. Thankfully, there are companies like the The Steam Team who are water extraction experts.
Having migrated from a tropical country that is besieged by typhoons for most of the year, floodings and water damage to homes and structures isn't new to me. But I wasn't aware till now that there are water extraction experts at all like the round rock tx water extraction team. I wonder why there isn't one back home ?
Monday, June 4, 2012
Diablo III
A little over a month ago, I decided to lay down the law. I was tired of seeing (and smelling) bags of trash in our kitchen, waiting to be thrown away. I sat hubby down and told him that from now on, trash was his responsibility. If I am able to throw them out during the day, good for him. If not, then he has to throw it away at the end of the day.
He's been so good (sort of - he throws away the trash from downstairs but he never goes up to empty the trashcans from our 2nd floor) until this morning, I find 2 bags of trash again. &*(&#@*(@!#
When I went to bed last night, he was playing Diablo. I reminded him about the trash and he said yes.
Apparently, that was the extent of last night's trash chore - "yes", but no actual action because he got distracted playing.
D*mn you, Diablo III.
The thing is, he's not even playing the full version of the game yet - he says, this is a starter or a demo version ? The game that he ordered is due to arrive today or tomorrow... I should probably hold that hostage. ;)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Consumerism at its Best
A Pampers representative responded to my email within a few days and told me that they'll be sending me a couple of coupons to make up for the torn diapers. I was happy to receive an acknowledgement of my complaint but I wasn't really happy about the coupons because we buy our diapers via subscribe & save at Amazon and they don't accept coupons anyway.
Some time later, I received 2 $10 coupons in the mail. Each $10 coupon could be applied to a single pack of diapers worth $15 or more. This is where it gets tricky. Diapers for our size come in $13, $29 (84pcs) and $49 (132pcs) from the grocery stores. Pampers was very sneaky & creative with their coupon restrictions because even if you discounted the $10 off of the $29 & the $49 boxes, there's no way the prices will even come close (per diaper) to Amazon's.
Kainis, right ? It's like they gave you a pampalubag-loob, but it's useless anyway. I just stuck these in my wallet after I figured out how useless these were. Oh, and the coupons expire in 2 months, it's not like they give you plenty of time to wait for a good sale.
I wasn't happy, UNTIL today.
At the supermarket, I see that the box of 84s (size 5) were down from $29 to $23 AND if you purchase 2 boxes, you get a $6 coupon applicable to your next shopping order. This sale combined with the coupons brought our price down to 18c per diaper (compared to Amazon's 22c per diaper) AND if I count the $6 coupon we received for buying 2 boxes, the price goes down to 14c per diaper.
NOW, I'm satisfied.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
What are little boys made of ?

and puppy dogs' tails
that's what little boys are made of.
My little boy proved the old nursery rhyme true this afternoon when he dropped this into my hand without warning. I thought he was giving me a leaf and I couldn't stifle my scream when I realized what it was that he put in my hand.
And the little boy ? He just laughed and laughed. He thought scaring Mommy was just hilarious.
--- cross posted on our family blog
Monday, May 7, 2012
Food blogger - NOT!
Maybe I should start a "guess what/where we ate" trend? That chopstick wrapper beside the tray should be a nice giveaway :)
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Cinco de Mayo and #CoronaRita
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Chili’s Grill & Bar for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
We had a wonderful Cinco de Mayo celebration yesterday. Hubby and I had our baby...., well, toddler, with us so we weren't really in a Margarita or Tequila mood. It's a shame though because Chili's Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila and CoronaRita Margarita sound really good.
Fortunately, the weather has been getting warmer lately - yay, summer weather, finally! - and it's easier and more conducive to going out and today, we plan on having a family lunch at Chilis. Hubby is driving and I'm no longer breastfeeding so I can have CoronaRita at Chili's while enjoying that CheeseSteak Slider dish that I've been imagining for a while now. Hubby is looking forward to his usual sirloin steak.
We haven't really decided what to get our toddler yet, but it shouldn't be difficult as Chili's does have a wide selection of soups (my son is a soup-addict) so we can always order soup as a backup if he does not like what we get him.
The best part about eating at Chili's is that you can do so even if you are on a budget, lunch combos (yes, combos!) start at $6 and they still have our favorite promotion of all time, the dinner for 2 for $20. This comes with 2 dinners plus an appetizer - we used to go to Chili's all the time while I was still pregnant with my son. I remember vowing to try a different menu the next time we go but when we get there, I couldn't get my mind off of Chili's ribs - I blame pregnancy hormones =)
How about you ? Did you celebrate Cinco de Mayo ? How do you plan to spend today ? Or the rest of your summer ?
Note: You must be 21 years or older to drink alcoholic beverages and as always, please remember to drink responsibly
Saturday, May 5, 2012
My husband is a smart guy
When I entered the kitchen, I was waiting for the smells to assail my nose and was surprised to see all the trash bags gone.
Wow. Hubby actually threw out the trash the night before ? and without even being told to do so ?
Double wow.
Hubby, you see, has to be told what to do. If you do not ask him, he's okay with just letting full trash bags accumulate. You could pile up loads of clean laundry on our spare bed and he'll just pass by or play games on the side and won't fold unless I ask him to.
I usually just throw trash out myself because I'm tired of having to ask all the time but if I have Swe-cha at home with me on a rainy day, then I can't handle both him and the trash because he will want to go out to run and I don't want to tempt him to go outside.
That night, I was so happy and I thanked hubby over and over.
And then a few days later, it hit me. Teka...
It's okay to be thankful if he threw out the trash or did a household chore but why would I be this happy about it because shouldn't he be doing this anyway ? Parang weird right ? That's when I realized what he's been doing... it was an AHA moment. All along, hubby has been training me to not expect anything na so when he actually makes the effort, I'd be so happy =D
Monday, April 30, 2012
It makes sense though. The Tribeca does use up a lot of gas. I get 14mpg - city driving - while hubby is able to coax 18/19 mpg when we go on long drives. It'll be good to replace it with something that has a lot more gas mileage next time. It looks like we're going to be shopping for new car insurance sooner than we thought.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
New goal...
Considering that this time last year, I was at my thinnest (or on my way to my thinnest) and I've gained back all that weight in several months.
I am going on a diet. Hubby too (naghanap ng karamay, haha!).
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Report of Birth of a Filipino Child
First off, there is a new Philippine Consulate General NEW YORK website. I didn't know this until recently and I kept going to the old url to check and was so annoyed that it was down. Before I learned about this new PCGNY site (and since the old website was down), I went to the website of consulates in a different state only to find out later that there are small differences in their requirements (i.e. the form itself has "Philippine Consulate General New York" in the corner while a form I downloaded from a different site has a form which does not have any headers).
To get the list of requirements and forms for the NY Philippine Consulate, check out this link:
here are some notes about my experience:
- Fee: $25
- bring original documents and make 4 copies of each. If you need to make more copies there, a coin-operated photocopy machine is also available at the embassy for 25c per copy. Bring quarters.
- The website does not mention it but you may opt to also submit a stamped, self-addressed envelope so they can just mail you your Report of Birth Certificate when it is available instead of you having to come back to claim it on another day. I got a USPS flat rate envelope w/ $5.15 worth of stamps (delivered w/in 2 to 3 days from mailing). I got this because I thought we'd have to leave the original documents and they'd have to be mailed back. As it turns out, I was able to bring home the originals so a regular letter envelope with a first class postage stamp will suffice.
- When filling up the form, hubby and I had a long discussion on how to fill up the following fields: "Child's Citizenship" and "If multiple citizenships, please list...". We eventually settled on putting "USA" in the citizenship field and leaving the other field blank. Baligtad pala.
Citizenship should be "Filipino" and in the other field, list "USA" or "American".
- The list of documentary requirements say that you need to submit either parent's proof of Filipino citizenship at the time of birth of the child. I brought mine and while going over my papers, the PCG staff suddenly asks me "saan ang ID ng tatay ?". [ insert curse words here ] And then I realized that I did bring photocopies of my husband's passport as well, just not the originals. I submitted that and they accepted it.
Note: bring anything and everything that you can think of to avoid having to make another trip.
- Last tip: BE ALERT!
When you get in the bldg, you'll be given a number & asked to go up to the 3rd floor and wait for your number to be called. When I got to the 3rd floor, there were several groups of people in the waiting area. Some were just sitting and waiting, some were scrambling around looking for quarters for the copy machine and others were going back and forth between the window & their desk, filling up forms and correcting mistakes.
A "Currently serving ##" electronic sign was on and showed "09". I was number 14 so the wait wasn't going to be so bad, I thought. After around 20 minutes of waiting and not seeing / hearing any number change, I asked one of the people waiting if they've heard any numbers being called. Wala raw. Note that at this point, there were 2 open windows - #3 (Cashier) and #6 (not labeled).
Since #6 was open but unstaffed, I went to #3 to ask the cashier, "Ma'am, nagtatawag po ba kayo ng number ?" and she says "oo, maghintay ka lang na tawagin ka." I went back to my seat. Some time later, the lady at #6 got back to her post and sat there. Nobody moved. We were still sitting down and waiting.
At around 2p, this was 40 minutes after I first got there, I decided to try and make eye contact with the lady at window 6 and when I did, she mouthed "meron pa ba ?" and I approached her. She helped me immediately and processed my papers. When I was done, I was instructed to pay the fee at Window 3 and I was done.
As I was paying at window 3, the cashier then calls out to the lady in #6, "ay, naka #9 pa pala itong sign, anong number ka na ba tayo para palitan ko to ?" and #6 answers, "Di ko alam, ginagawa ko lang kung sino lumapit sa akin."
Pakshet. Kainis. I waited 40 minutes to be called and worse, what about all those people who were ahead of me and were still waiting to be called ? Note, probably not all can speak Filipino so they probably didn't know what was going on.
In retrospect (and considering that I was able to walk all the way back to Port authority and catch the ideal express bus that I wanted), aliw rin this experience because even though we were in USA, the experience was 100% Pinoy =D
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Another hole
He forgot that the door that he is leaning against is missing a doorstop so this is what happens. Yes, he punched a 2 inch hole in the wall with the doorknob.
I didn't even bat an eyelash, these things happen. Also, we still have all these holes in the house from those leaks last year, not all of them have been repaired yet so what was one more ?
But I did take exception to hubby's reaction. Soon after he saw what he did, he was screaming at Swe-cha to behave - the little one was running all over the place as he usually does when he's upstairs.
I was downstairs prepping Swe-cha's milk so I rushed upstairs to find out what happened and saw this. I thought that this was the little guy's doing so I asked, "How did Swe-cha punch the hole ? He slammed the door ?" and hubby explained what happened.
So my next question was "so why are you screaming at our son when he wasn't the one who did this ? If anything, he should be screaming at you!" and he didn't answer. Thankfully, my son seems oblivious.
Now, he's out buying supplies to repair this hole. I asked him to bring the paint chips we saved from the ceiling too so he can get the color matched and we can paint the dining room ceiling already.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
A Poop Story Too
Anyway, back to Mommy Fleur's account, I was not disgusted at all because I can totally relate on how bad she felt while watching her daughter go through the pain because I have this thing for poop. Specifically, my son's. I like it when my son poops.... no, correction, I LOVE it. Back when he was fully breastfed, he would average 2-3x a day and I would look forward to each one and would, sometimes, even poke around with the used wipes just so I could find out what's in it. Yeah, I'm weird that way.
Hubby found it gross at first (that I would poke around in Swe-cha's poop) and eventually, it just became normal. I always argued that knowing what was coming out is a good indication of his health. Is he constipated ? Is he eating enough veggies ? Fruits ? By now, I've observed his poop long enough to know how it looks like when he eats certain foods. I even know how his poop look like when he is congested.
Today, kawawa naman. I must not have paid enough attention recently because his daycare did warn me that he was constipated on Tuesday because he was crying while doing the deed. He pooped normally when he got home so I figured he was okay. He was also normal on Wednesday so I didn't bother with the prunes anymore.
As it turns out, I should've. Because today, we spent the better part of an hour hugging each other while he strained to get it out. I hugged him and held him and cheered him on. He strained so hard that his face turned red and was still red 20 minutes after he achieved success. Poor little guy.
Thankfully, he also seems to understand what it was I was trying to achieve w/ the prunes because, even though he did not like them, he ate them anyway.
I am hoping to see something good in his diapers later tonight.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Chiu Family Visit
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Conversation with the husband
Friday, April 6, 2012
Spring Cleaning
Friday, March 30, 2012
A load of poop
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tax Season
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Defensive driver
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Buhay Donya
Friday, February 17, 2012
V-day+2 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Pants on fire...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Hubby in the store
Friday, January 20, 2012
Paint Job

Baby Sleep Positions
Swe-cha's sleeping positions are the:
Technical Assessment
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Nice Guy Handyman (2)

Nice Guy Handyman (1)