Friday, January 7, 2011


Our family is back from our holiday travel and while it has been fun and very memorable for everybody, we've also been plagued by nasty fever, cough and colds a couple of times. We've even had to postpone travel plans for a few days because I had very high fever and we decided to just stay with my sister a bit longer so that they can help us out for a few more days.

Swe-cha's daily schedule is still messed up and I'm still groggy and hazy from these medications that I've been taking so I have not been able to greet 2011 with a bang yet. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to the new year and all the challenges and opportunities it will bring us.

Hope you all had a great Christmas and new year!

1 comment:

Mylene said...

Welcome back! But you missed Airyn...she dropped by a few days ago.