Friday, December 30, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
All is well
My boys
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Take out fiasco
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Happy bad news
Friday, November 18, 2011
Holiday Fraps
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
He provides
Monday, November 14, 2011
Financially drained
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Lunch with the Girls
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Central AC
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Kitchen on strike
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Toddlers and Medicines
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Big boy na kasi siya because he has been snacking on cheerios and pretzels today.
Paano ako di tataba if I have to keep eating his leftovers ? Sayang naman if I don't eat.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Mama Fina's
Thursday, September 22, 2011
So this afternoon,.. my phone rings, it was the hubby and our conversation went like this:
me: how did the test go ? did you pass ?
hubby: yeah. I got a 98.x%, san kaya ako nagkamali ?
LOL! Di rin mayabang, no ?
Later, while checking the test results printout he was given (it was also the temporary certificate), it seems like he only got 1 answer wrong.
Huwaw! Ang GALING...
... humanap ng sample test.
I love you. Congratulations :)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Waterproof pads
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Hotel Goodies

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor day weekend
He cleaned the dishwasher - inside and outside and all around, even went into all the nooks and crannies. He cleaned our bedrooms and even dismantled the beds so he could vacuum underneath.
Aside from all the cleaning, he also woke up before noon on a holiday (he went to bed late the night before) so I could go out and do my errands. I was able to do my shopping rounds in peace - Babies R Us for Swe-cha's food and snacks, FV & CVS for Swe-cha's medical supplies and shoprite for our groceries. I was expecting to come home to a screaming toddler whom I'd have to drag off to bed for his nap but I was suprised - pleasantly - to come home to a toddler who has already been walked (parang pet, heehee), fed, given his milk and already napping.
Then, this afternoon, Swe-cha asked for cookies and ate 1 whole cookie by himself.
Ang saya.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Night terrors
In any case, I did confirm w/ Achi (she's a pediatrician) that medications do cause night terrors in people. There is a very very very small chance of this happening but it does happen. In fact, my nephew at 2.5 years old has a consistent reaction to a specific asthma medicine (w/c Achi does not remember anymore). He would always have nightmares when he takes that medication.
Kainis, no ?
Today is day 10, the last day, of his antibiotics. Hopefully, last night's is also the last of the nightmares. He kept screaming and crying and nothing could pacify him. Eventually, we turned the laptop on and brought up Netflix. Swe-cha's attention was caught by Thomas the Train and after that, it was Bob the Builder and later, Big Bird in Sesame Street. I don't know what happened after that because I cradled him in my arms and lay him down in a sleeping position and I fell asleep. The next thing I knew, it was already 6a, the show had already stopped (whichever one it was that he last watched) and Swe-cha was already sound asleep.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tommee Tippee Insulated Cups

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hurricane Irene
- Rice - 1 sack. check
- Spam - 2 dozen. check
- Cookies (5 packs), crackers (3 boxes), snack bars (200+pcs) and chips (2 cans)- check
- Portable stove, fuel - check
- Swe-cha's food (gerber & earth's best jars and a huge pot of homemade lotus root and red bean soup)- check
- Someone who can cook rice in a pot (instead of a rice cooker) - check
- Flashlights, batteries - check, check
- Freezers & refrigerator set to HIGH.
- Water containers filled w/ drinking water. 6 more spare gallons of drinking water plus 2 extra cases of individual water bottles.
- Extra water containers filled w/ water in the bathrooms in case pipes burst & we don't have clean running water.
- Laptops & spare batteries fully charged.
- Kindle, PSP and DS fully charged.
- Camera battery full charged.
- Cellphones fully charged (& spare batteries too).
- Plants, outdoor tables, pots and the George Foreman grill brought in from the balcony.
- We might run some tape on the windows (we were reminded by MIL). We feel that this is overkill for our area... but hey, there's nothing to lose so we'll do it anyway.
- During the day, we wash dishes as we use them - no more soaking & leaving it in the dishwasher for an evening run as we might lose power later on.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Panfried Wontons

Friday, July 22, 2011
Related to the heatwave, hubby's company sent out a memo yesterday announcing that all employees are allowed to come in to the office in beach attire today - shorts, shirt, flipflops, but no swimsuits allowed. Haha! I asked hubby now and he tells me everybody came in shorts, except for him, he does not wear shorts outside of the home. Kaya maputi legs nyan eh, heehee.
Swe-cha has been dropped off at daycare and he's been happy at dc this week - no crying or fussing at all. Last night was also the first full night's straight sleep he's gotten this week and we're thankful. We really should keep him awake long enough to burp after he has his milk at bedtime, even if it means risking him shaking off the drowsiness and staying awake for another hour or so. I think it's worth not having him cry & scream in the middle of the night due to gas pains.
I've just started a load in the wash and it amazes me that we (hubby, mostly) have so many gray shirts that we filled up one huge load of laundry just with the grays alone! I am still shaking my head in disbelief.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Then, there's also the fact that Swe-cha isn't really that adventurous when it comes to food choices and we always have to bring food along. He's also still on (expressed) breastmilk so we have to bring a cooler along to store his next bottle of milk. Basically, it's such a big production when we go out.
In any case, that request hubby put in to the state for NJ's travel guide finally came through. We got a "Travel New Jersey" magazine and a huge fold-out map of the state - it's good to see our tax dollars at work (log in to and file 'em irs extension form 2009). You may also want to check out tax comparisons while you're at it. Anyway, I hope to be able to find something (or someplace) by next week.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Midnight Halo-halo
Puzzled, I looked around and saw hubby with the ice shaver.
He looks at me and asks, "bowl or cup ?".
"Bowl," I replied. And it was only after I said it when I realized what he was doing - halo-halo!

While feasting on our bowls of halo-halo, our conversation included the following statements:
"Ang galing ng nag-imbento ng halo-halo, no ?"
"Mas magaling yung nag-imbento ng kaong!"
"e etong nata-de-coco ? Magaling rin no ? [brings up wikipedia...] Huwaw! Pilipino pala ang nag-imbento ng nata-de-coco!"
Obvious bang amazed na amazed kami ? at medyo mababaw?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
and we're live!
Note that there's only one V for SAVINGS because we want you to save!
please LIKE us on Facebook and watch out for sales promotions, contests and prizes!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Walgreens has always been the very first place that I will visit whenever my family needs something health-related. I started doing this when my previous store ran out of the only homeopathic teething product that my infant son tolerates. After much searching, I eventually found that my neighborhood Walgreens' shelves were stocked full of the product! It was a no-brainer about how Walgreens became the first place to go to after that.
As for the Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products, one of the mainstays in my medicine cabinet is the Walgreens brand guaifenesin. We've found this to be the most effective product when it comes to combating congestion and coughs and the best part is that Walgreens' pricing is way more affordable compared to a name-brand product with the same formulation. Again, it was a no-brainer. With the financial setbacks a lot of people have been experiencing nowadays, who wouldn't want more value for their money ?
My mom, on the other hand, is a loyal user of Walgreens' line of supplements - vitamin C, calcium and other herbal whatnots in her arsenal are all from walgreens.
The best part is that buying any Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products supports bringing preventative wellness services to local communities through the Walgreens Way to Well Fund™. I've always been a firm believer in good karma and with this program, you get to take care of your health and help your community maintain theirs at the same time.
Do check out some other bloggers who are have Walgreens gift card giveaways.
Milk donation
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Dream big
Conversations with the husband
I didn't have think hard to find out what my answer was, I only had to look at my son to see the main reason and proof that I am happy. So that leaves the husband.
Last night, I ambushed him with that question, "Hun, happy ka ba ? Are you happy with our life ?"
He took a few seconds to think and said "Yes, masaya ako. Minsan lang, sobrang kulit nitong ni Swe-cha chaka hindi ako masaya pag ginigising mo ako nang maaga."
[translation: he is happy but sometimes he finds it difficult when our son is being overly rambunctious and he does not like it when I wake him up early in the morning]
I prodded him some more, "Come on, be honest. Aren't you the least bit proud of your son's kakulitan ?"
He thought some more and smiled, "yes, basta hindi ako mag-aalaga, proud akong makulit siya."
LOL :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Forgetful Achi
So mechanic checks it out and finds that the screws to a heat shield has come off. So he's fixing that.
Then the humming sound that hubby suspected was coming from a wheel which may not be perfectly round anymore turns out to be caused by a bearing and of course, it needed to be replaced. Damage to our wallets was estimated at $327 + tax.
The up side of all this is that when hubby asked the mechanic if we needed to see about getting rid of the Impreza soon because it's deteriorating, mechanic says that there is no need because the car is in great shape. The stuff that we've been repairing are just normal wear / tear and are to be expected from a car that has that many miles on it and that with proper care, this car should reach 150k miles easily and w/o major issues.
So I tell my sister about this during one of our talks and she tells me.. "so you guys aren't going to replace the Impreza yet ?"
"Are you sure ? The longer you wait, the more the value will depreciate. Maybe you guys should see about selling it and getting a new car."
I went quiet for a minute because I was trying to figure out if my sister was serious or not. I'm pretty sure that she was teasing me but she sounded so serious!
"Uh, I'm still unemployed, remember ?"
* deafening silence *
And then I added, "We can deal with a $350 auto repair bill this month but it's going to be much harder coming up with the $350 or more every month for the next 5 years."
"Ay, oo nga pala no."
This just made me realize that I've been unemployed for the longest time that it seems so normal now. Sad, no ?
It's also made me look back and realize how much better our financial situation was back then because while hubby and I have always operated in tipid mode, we could easily afford a new card DP plus a $500 monthly payment.
And now ? It's a complete turnaround. Super-tipid mode na :)
Parmesan Cheese Container
Sometimes, I embarass myself when I see my stash of containers grow and I start throwing stuff away but I try to keep them as much as I can - I'm such a hoarder! [translation: basurero]
We go through a lot of parmesan cheese in our house and once, I saw the small containers go on sale and I just had to get a few. Here is a perfect example of how I reused the small parmesan cheese jar - a container for loose crayons (the kind that kids get from restaurants). The flip top lid makes tidying up so easy because you can just drop the crayon in (or shake it out if you want to use it).
I wonder how long it'll take us and how many restaurants we'd have to visit with Swe-cha before we can get a full set of colors (I'm not looking to get a full set of colors from any one restaurant).
Monday, June 20, 2011
Now, we haven't really launched this with a lot of hoopla & publicity yet, we've been getting a lot of hits and have even run out of some stock (but don't worry, more are on their way!) for some products. Who knew that breastmilk storage bottles were going to be such a big hit for Mommies in the Philippines ? But then again, breastfeeding is widespread now (yay!) and disposable milk bags are such a waste!
Our humble shop started with feeding essentials for your baby and while still keeping with our principles of selling products that we firmly believe in and use ourselves, we've expanded our product line and are carrying Aveeno and Cetaphil products now.
I'd like to post a shoutout to Moms out there who have children with Eczema (unfortunately, my partner's baby has eczema so she's always on the lookout for products such as these), SavyMommy now has the following products especially formulated for atopic skin:
Aveeno Baby Cleansing Therapy Moisturizing Wash P650
Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream P750
Cetaphil Restoraderm Moisturizing Lotion
Do drop by our site and check out our products. Mention this blog and you'll be eligible for our pre-order promotion for Aveeno Eczema products - buy the Aveeno Baby Cleansing Therapy Moisturizing Wash for P650 and get the Aveeno Baby Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream for only P700 -> instant savings of P50!
Mention "newlyweds at work" and this blog when you pre-order, you also get free shipping.
Thursday, June 16, 2011

I had to throw a lot away (I started throwing jars a few months ago) but I thought that it would be too wasteful to throw the ones that I've already washed and kept so we held onto them in the meantime.
This post is part of a series of ways that we've found to reuse these baby food jars :) I'm tagging posts like these "go-green", for now, even though smoking isn't exactly good for the environment.
Use: Ashtray for when a smoker comes-a-visiting.
Pros: We get to cover it with the lid so the ashes don't go flying around as it gets thrown in the trash. Also, being in a lidded glass jar gives me the confidence that no live embers will touch the trash & ignite something else even if we throw this in with the rest of our household trash.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
As he twirled the cap around and tried to fit his feet inside, a thought occurred to me - why do we persist in sterilizing his milk bottles and nipples even though we said that we'd stop doing that when he turns 1 ?
The answer was simple,... love namin sya eh and sterilizing, whether or not it is needed, is a labor of love.
cross posted on our family blog.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Swecha & Daycare
This week, however, he's been crying whenever I try to drop him off at daycare. Yesterday, he started clinging to me as I was taking off his jacket and today, he started making for the door as soon as I put him down.
It breaks my heart to see him cry. I hope that this does not mean that he's getting sick again because he usually becomes clingy when he's not feeling well.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sick baby
Friday, April 22, 2011
Obviously pinoy
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
This will be my 3rd ever job interview in my whole life, my very first job interview in this country and my first in over 14 years. I guess I could spout out a few more statistics but they'd only make me more nervous than I already am so I won't.
For now, I'm just trying to relax and not to be too nervous. After all, this is a first try. If I don't get the position, it's not like it's a big loss because at the worst case, I get to practice my interview skills.
As requested, I met with owner
[letter snipped]
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
No better time than now
Swe-cha is thriving in daycare - he is napping, sleeping, playing and is happy - and while he is still picking up a virus or two every now and then, he seems to be coping quite well and we have not had a high-fever scare in a while now.
While I'm quite happy and would love to continue with my full-time-mommy and SAHM stint, I do feel the urge to spread my wings again and pick up where I left off, career-wise. Being a full-time mommy has its moments and rewards but I recognize the need for me to go back to work again if we want our family to become financially stable and get Swe-cha's college fund going.
Anyway, I sent out a few applications today to job postings that seem most ideal to me location and compensation-wise. If I get a nibble, then good.
I also just heard back again from that client who is interested in hiring me. He still has not managed to get a position approved but the good news is that he is still working on it. Unfortunately, the salary that he might be able to offer (if & when the position does get approved) is much lower than what I was previously getting. I sent word that I would be very much interested in checking out the overall package, if and when this materializes. I do recognize that some work benefits are better than cash (i.e. work from home, etc).
Lord, please bless this job hunt and lead me to where You want me to go.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Everybody lies
She lies.
In fairness to her, she took over the management of our condo building at a difficult time. The person who used to manage the property before got seriously sick and was in and out of the office and for some period of time, there were too many people covering & pitching in for him and you know what they say about too many chefs ruining the soup, right ? So, now, Z comes into the equation and has to sort through all the issues that have piled up since K (the previous manager) got sick.
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear about the decision that the board has made on our alleged window-leak issue. On 4/1, we were talking on and off the whole afternoon trying to sort things out. She would do some research, ask people and then give me a call back and let me know what's up. I'd have a question or I'd point out an inconsistency and she would do more research and would come back to be again with her answers. I thought we had a pretty good start then.
Unfortunately, she had also told me that she would be sending someone over to come by the house the following Wednesday (4/7) and that she would let me know what time he will be coming over. This is where our troubles started. By Monday, I started calling her office to ask if our Wednesday thing was confirmed or not. I couldn't reach her and left her a voicemail so I tried calling her again on Tuesday and then again on Wednesday. By then, I gave up. Z finally calls me back on 4/13, exactly 12 days from when we last talked and wanted to send someone over that same day, stating "we really need to move forward on this". This p*ssed me off big-time. She takes 12 days to call me back and then puts the pressure on me to accomodate her on the same day ? I tell her that and she denies that it has been that long since we last talked and says that she still has that email I sent her when we talked and she can prove that it has not been that long. DUH, I have the email too.
Anyway, I shift some things around and got something scheduled with her guys.
Last night, I attended the condo board meeting to find out what's up. When I asked the board of directors what the decision was on this issue, I was told by the president that "the board will be deciding on that tonight". WHAT THE ? On 4/1 ? Z told me (verbally*) that the board had decided to shoulder the window replacement expenses and charge me for it if it stops the leak below and if it does not, then I do not get charged for it.
I was miffed.
Z lies. She lied about the 12 days that has passed before she calls me back. And the rest ? I don't know who's lying or who's been giving or has been given the wrong information. But the communication obviously broke down somewhere along the line. If the board has not made a decision as of the start of last night's meeting, why did the property mgt company send me that letter on 3/23 (received 3/31) ? Why did Z tell me that the board has decided to go ahead with the window replacement ... blah blah ... on 4/1 ?
Something tells me that none of the people here can be trusted. Not even if you get something in writing. As Dr House says in his show, "everybody lies" or it could also be that they are incompetent.
Pick one (or two).
--- * note that what Z has told me verbally is the opposite of what a letter I received from the property management office says. The letter (signed by yet another property manager) states that my window is faulty and it is my responsibility to fix it, they will look for a subcontractor to complete the job and I will be assessed the fees.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Food poisoning
Hubby has been such a trooper. I called him up in the early afternoon and asked him to quickly come home. I was about to pick up Swe-cha from daycare and I was feeling so weak and didn't know if I was going to be able to keep from expelling things out of my system in the short time it will take to drive the 2 blocks to DC.
Since I also wasn't able to cook dinner, he prepped some macaroni soup for me - but I had no appetite for it until this morning - and gamely had some leftover spaghetti (from last week) and feasted on a giant ensaymada that we ordered from Keyks.
Spring has arrived!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Pier 1 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Spring has finally come. It sure took its sweet time, teasing us with nice warm days and then just as I've laundered and put our winter jackets way, we get a blast of snow on a cold cold day.
In any case, our days are starting to warm up now and I can't wait to tear off this plastic sheeting that is covering our windows and doors right now (to guard against drafts) and finally let the spring air in and the stale indoor air out.
I've also been planning out my patio garden in my mind and thinking about what herbs, plants and flowers we should grow this season. I'm also thinking of finally replacing our outdoor patio furniture or possibly just getting a new set that we could put in the balcony off of our master bedroom. I hear that Pier 1 has a nice new outdoor furniture collection available this season and they might be worth a look.
This Papasan seems like a good item for our upper balcony, Swe-cha and I would sure enjoy curling up in there while we watch the birds and squirrels out in the courtyard. This also seems like a good place for me to curl up in with a good book (or that Kindle that my brother promised to gift me) and when winter comes around next year, we can just move it back inside the house and it'll fit right in with our other furniture. What I like about Pier 1's furniture is that they can be used both indoors and outdoors.
As for our main floor patio, a set of outdoor stacking wicker arm chairs would be a good buy - perfect for entertaining during the summer and since they stack up on top of each other, storage should be a breeze when we're not using them.
I also love the look of this beehive drink dispenser, perfect for serving ice cold lemonade during outdoor parties or picnics, no ? Then, some bug yard stakes and a butterfly windchime should complete the look of our outdoor patio garden-cum-outdoor entertainment area.
Check out Pier 1 Tweetups for other updates :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Photographs and Memories
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Helping Mommy