Sunday, February 27, 2011
Seeing that it has been weeks that hubby and I have been reminding each other to eat them but neither of us actually did as we're both too lazy to cut the fruit up or to peel them, I took out a big red pomelo cut it in half, put each half on a plate and placed it in front of hubby and me.
"Eat," I said.
As we struggled to peel our pomelos and fought to defend our eyes from the juices that spray out when we squeeze too hard, hubby tells me, "I have never heard of anybody eating all of these (as he points to his pomelo half) in one day. It's not possible!"
This made me laugh and laugh. I couldn't stop.
You see, that was the last thing I expected to hear from a guy who is known to eat half a watermelon in one sitting :)
All ears

Cord Blood Registry
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of CryoCell International. All opinions are 100% mine.
Our son is 14 months old now and I still remember that it was around this time two years ago - yes, I started looking into cord blood storage options even before I got pregnant - when I first heard about
We did get pregnant a few months later and by then, my husband and I had already heard about the top few choices, in terms of popularity, that parents usually go for when they opt to have their babies' cord blood stored and was one of them.
Being a considerable expense, we did not decide to push through with this until we were in our 3rd trimester. It helped that when we called up, the advisor we talked to was very helpful and sent us an information packet - no commitment needed - and it helped us decide.
14 months later, we're still happy with our decision and have not regretted anything. So if you're expecting, do consider cord blood banking and talk to an advisor (and hey, get a free bellybag while you're at it, too!).
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Daycare week 1 review
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Leaky window
We've been trying to fix this since October, replacing the rubber seals and gaskets around the window. We were doing good until we hit a snag w/ the waterbar weatherstrip. It was supposed to sit at an angle so that it'll touch the upper wall but it doesn't so water started dripping INTO our windows.
Monday, February 21, 2011
President's Day Loot

For someone who has not brought home a paycheck in more than a year, I've sure spent a lot recently. Sigh.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Hiltons of Branson. All opinions are 100% mine.
I've been talking on and off about how Swe-cha will be starting daycare next week. I really am excited and looking forward to it on some level and yet, I'm dreading the day on another. We haven't really been apart more than a few hours ever since he was born... nay, ever since he was conceived, even!
I do get to go out alone when I run errands (grocery, mail packages, go to the bank, etc) but I always leave him with his Dad, who I'm sure he's okay with. And the one and only time I ever took and spent on a purely-me time, I left him with his paternal grandmother, his Di-pe (uncle) and again, his Dad.
When we attend gatherings and he deigns to let other people carry him, I am always in the background, hovering. Yes, I am one of *those*. Sigh.
So now, with him starting daycare next week, hubby has been reminding me every day to not immediately tackle my to-do list first thing. Hubby wants me to just take it easy - nap, rest, relax - on our first day of daycare and sort of treat it like a vacation because I do need one (kinda makes me wonder if I look *that* haggard, no ?).
And I tell hubby that he's not gonna get away that easily... one of these days, he's going to have to bring me to Hilton Promenade at Branson Landing or to Hilton Branson Convention Center Hotel for a REAL vacation. This ? Getting to rest and relax a little bit next week is just a breather. Their Romance Package is available all throughout February and with both Valentine's Day and our wedding anniversary falling in that same month, this is really the ideal time for us to be spending some time alone together. I'd love to just stay in and have an in-room breakfast for two and then celebrate dinner at Level 2 Steakhouse with a couple of ribeye steaks (and probably a taste of that duck breast, yummy!).
I wonder if my mom can come over and babysit for a few days while we go on that romantic escapade ? Hmmm.
Mommy's new toy

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Christmas and birthday loot

Peyton Place
Baby Gate

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A Valentine's Day Story
How to install a baby gate (Part 2)

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Supplementing with Formula
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
We just got back from our 12th month well-baby visit to the pediatrician yesterday (we're a bit late because Swe-cha was sick when he hit the 12th month mark and we decided to postpone his immunizations until he recovered).
I was happy to see him tip the scales at 20 lbs 2 oz - my son is no heavyweight at this point but this was such a relief because he has lost so much weight when he got sick twice in December and January - almost 3 full pounds since exactly a month ago. That wasn't too shabby, considering that we've been gaining around an average of 1 pound a month for the last half year
Unfortunately, when his weight was plotted on his growth chart, his rate of weight gain since birth didn't look so well. He started out at the 50th percentile and in the last few well-baby visits, he's gone down slowly and is now in the 10th percentile when it comes to his weight. *sigh*
Pedia says we have to monitor his weight closely now. I'm sort of confident about him being on track in terms of weight gain because he is eating again now (he also went on a hunger strike around November that lasted a few weeks during which he hardly ate any solids at all). But he will go into daycare soon and I fear that there will be a period of adjustment where he'll eat less and I'm also sure that they won't be able to feed him as diligently as we do at home.
In the meantime, I've decided to up his calorie-intake as much as I can so that we can get a head start on the weight issue. Sis suggests I supplement our breastmilk with powdered formula (i.e. add powdered formula to breastmilk before giving to Swe-cha).
I haven't decided to go through with this plan yet but I am very tempted to go ahead and buy on Who knew that despite being blessed with an abundance of breastmilk, we'd be supplementing with formula at this stage ? *smile* I don't really have any issues as I (and my husband) grew up on infant's formula. I also did plan on switching Swe-cha to Toddler formula instead of cow's milk when our breastmilk supply dries up.
Do check out Bright Beginnings infant formula and like Bright Beginnings on Facebook and please feel free to leave me some comments on what your thoughts are about our plan to up my toddler's calorie intake by adding formula to breastmilk.
Friday, February 11, 2011

We've been house-bound all winter long because of the extreme cold (and the fact that Swe-cha was on & off sick in early December till January) but we did venture out the other day to visit this nearby daycare place the other day when it got a little bit warmer (40s fahrenheit).
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Boudreaux's Butt Paste. All opinions are 100% mine.
We've decided to start Swe-cha's transition to daycare and I've been calling up daycare facilities in our area these couple of weeks. So far, most of the facilities I've called are fully-booked, the earliest opening that they have is in July 2011! I guess there are that many babies in the area, huh ?
I did find a couple that had openings and fortunately, one of those that had an available slot is within walking distance from home. Swe-cha and I visited them this Monday and we liked what we saw. I'm currently getting Swe-cha's schedule synchronized with the daycare's and we hope to get him in by next next week at the latest.
Last night, I sort of broke down crying, I was having separation anxiety. I also had a lot of concerns about his care - will he eat ? will he take to the caregivers ? how will he interact with the other kids ?
I was also concerned about him getting diaper rash. He has been diaper-rash free for most of his life. He only had diaper rashes when he was a few days old (Mommy and Daddy didn't know how to take good care of his bottom) and again last month when he got sick and got diarrhea from taking his medications. I guess I just have to remind the sitters at the daycare to make sure that they put Boudreaux's Butt Paste on him every diaper change. We've tried other brands but none seems to work as well as Boudreaux's Butt Paste when it comes to healing and preventing diaper rash and best of all, it goes on and off easily! No additional irritations just trying to wipe it off his bottom.
Which reminds me, I gotta go get a 4oz tube which I can leave for Swe-cha's use at daycare. The 16oz jar is probably too big to leave there considering that we're only going for part time care at the start.
If you haven't tried this yet, get on the Boudreux website and request a free sample, that's what I did before.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Deep fried stuffed tofu
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kenmore Live Studio. All opinions are 100% mine.
Last weekend was Superbowl weekend and seeing as how there are lots of Superbowl parties during this time, I am suddenly reminded of how long it has been since we entertained. As dinner time approached, it was then that another realization hit me, I do not have any Super Bowl Recipes in my repertoire and on that note, I also realized that it has been so long since I tried out a new recipe at home.
Hubby, thankfully, knows better than to complain about my cooking.
So I started looking and looking and found this video:
I love popcorn (my blog title and blogger name are obvious indicators of that fact). I love it sweet, I love it salty. I love it buttery. But who knew that popcorn could be so much more ? So I rummaged around for some corn kernels in my kitchen but all I found were some leftover kernels from around 8 years ago - uh... I decided to toss them out before I get tempted *snicker*.
So I decided to do some more searching and found this video for shrimp skewers:
Now, that is more my taste. Perfect for regular meals and perfect for entertaining. I'm gonna be trying this out real soon.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Our SUV has now logged in 8,888 miles in a little less than 2 years.
Super Bowl XLV
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TABASCO® Original Red. All opinions are 100% mine.
We're not really fans of the Steelers or the Packers but we love Superbowl-food.
So, we ordered pizza and munched on them while watching the Superbowl commercials. I don't really buy or eat pizzas that often but every now and then I do get the cravings for it and I sure can put them away :)
On SuperBowl night, we ordered two pizzas, one had a white sauce base while the other had a tomato sauce base. We also ordered in some warm chocolate lava cake.
I enjoyed my pizza with lots and lots of TABASCO® Original Red sauce drizzled over it, hubby's eyes (he cannot tolerate spicy foods) went wide and suddenly, I am reminded of home back when I was still a young girl and we'd order pizza for midnight snacks and my sister would do the exact same thing and declare her Pizza Perfected.
In any case, I now have this newly opened bottle of Tabasco and I'm checking out other simple food ideas and recipes which I can prepare.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Baby Gate
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Paper Shredding Heaven