Friday, October 29, 2010

Battery Stockpile

Guess who got carried away on the panic-buying and stockpiled a bunch of batteries ?

For those of you who have kids, you'll understand why I felt that I needed this much - with all the musical toys and other electronic gear, plus the fact that I also need to get batteries to run my Medela breastpump for when we travel next month.

Having to go to 3 different branches before finding the batteries also contributed to my panic-buying spree. The first 2 branches we went to this afternoon were out of AA batteries - the brand & packaging that was on sale - that I wanted. So when we finally got to the 3rd branch, I have had enough and decided to stockpile.

Oh, I also figured that we could always get those AA to C or AA to D battery converters instead of buying specific sizes. I did buy some D batteries though, Swe-cha's projector might need fresh batteries soon.

*sheepish grin*

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