Friday, July 11, 2008

Lyle: Humble

I mentioned that I will post some entries about my conversations with the little boy (nephew, Lyle) so I'd remember this in the future and here's one of them :)

Lyle: Mommy, what's a pterodactyl ?

Mommy: it's a fish

Lyle: *laughs* No, Mommy, it's not a fish, it's a dinosaur that flies!

Mommy: e you know naman pala, why do you have to ask me ?

... at this point I butt into the conversation

me: yeah, Shoti, you're a very smart boy. I'm so proud of you.

Lyle: (with a serious look on his face) no, A-i, I'm just a little boy who's a little bit smart.

naks. so humble, eh ?

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