Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 4th weekend

We wanted to go out of state with a friend (based elsewhere) who's currently on a short term project stint in NJ. Hubby wasn't feeling too well so we decided to just skip the long trip and just stay at home.

On Friday, July 4th, we invited Elijah to spend the day with us. Entertainment was Wii - Guitar Hero III turned out to be the favorite of the day (check out the intense concentration on those faces in the picture) - and dinner was baby back ribs and bacon-wrapped asparagus, grilled on the George Foreman grill that we used for the very first time that day. Busog naman.

Hubby and I had not gone out on a date-date in a while so we decided to have a movie marathon on Sunday - we also wanted something to do to relax and keep my mind away from D-Day 2 (following Monday, more on this later). We packed ourselves off to the movie theater with my purse loaded with bottled water, pretzels and bananas. We saw Hancock, Wanted, and The Happening. Hancock and Wanted were great - exciting, even. But The Happening was "eh?" - not nice at all.

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