Friday, January 18, 2008

Lucky Dragons in the Year of the Rat

The Lunar New Year is just around the corner and during times like these, I like to check out my horoscope (Chinese Astrology) and see what's in store for me the coming year. Both hubby and I were born in the year of the dragon and looks like the year of the rat is a very lucky year for us. :) Yay!

How the Dragon fares (according to

Hopefully the Pig showered blessings on you last year. If not, not to worry. This year promises to be even better with your good friend the Rat in charge. You can enjoy a lot of success, but this is still not the best of years as Earth does not favor your luck. It is thus a time to avoid risk. As a Dragon, you could be something of a dreamer. If so, this is the perfect year for you since Earth promotes practicality. You are thus likely to have a good chance to realize one of your big dreams.

and according to

The rat is a good friend to the dragon. The new cycle that starts this year will bring prosperity to the dragon after what may seem like a long time of struggle. The stream of good fortune that you saw coming your way in a trickle last year will reach fullness this year. Your energy is strong after resting in the year of the pig and you will find that difficulties are able to be overcome. You will need energy to keep up with the social whirl coming your way. While much of your focus will be on friendships and love, put some of that energy toward career networking opportunities that will develop this year and will benefit you throughout the next cycle. The conservative nature of this rat year may give moments of frustration to the dragon who cannot tame a fiery nature. This is a time to begin ventures that will benefit from the steady nurturing earth influence but you will need patience and persistence to see them through to success. The signs are very good for your soul mate to appear. Take care to recognize this most special person or the opportunity may be lost in your busy social life. Home influences are strong and if you have been dreaming of a major purchase - of a home or for your home - this year is a good time to see the dream fulfilled.


ruther said...

hey dear..hirap ako magpost ng comment sa blogmo...why don't u get a shoutbox? :)

Ruy said...

Good luck to all of us! =)
I like these astrology info.

Anonymous said...

wish i would ne lucky.. being a dragon

Green World said...

I am a Dragon and have had 7 years of bad luck. It is good to know there is some if not PLENTY of good luck this year of the Rat.

We sure could use it as its been a rough road for me. Here is to all dragons and all signs and may you have a great year.