Sunday, June 26, 2016

Glass shards

A little over 2 weeks ago, I had a small wound on the side of my foot. It seemed more like a puncture than a wound, I squeezed to let some blood out  ( thinking that it might cleanse the wound ), bathed the wound in alcohol and then sealed it with some liquid bandage. I didn't even notice when / where it happened and only felt the wound when I applied pressure on that part of my foot, I didn't know where and how I got it so it quickly went out of my mind.

A few days later, I got wounded again. This time, a little bit of skin/flesh was sliced off from my little toe. I was at the kitchen when it happened and it happened when I stepped on something sharp. After I'd controlled the bleeding and bandaged my wound, I got down on my hands and knees to look for the culprit. I found a glass shard.

That night, I showed it to hubby who responded with a "aaah, so that's where it went". Ayun pala, he was washing dishes a few days before and dropped a drinking glass. The glass didn't completely break but the lip was chipped and he's been looking for the pieces ever since.

And yes, he forgot to tell me about it.

Fast forward 2 weeks, my 2nd wound had already healed nicely - the one that had the skin sliced off and was the more painful one - had already healed and was dry. I was even able to get a pedicure and never felt anything at all. But the first one (the one that felt & looked like a small puncture) was still bothering me. I still feel a sharp pain every now and then when I step and put pressure on that area.

Reminded of a story that friend E told me about his wife having been injured when she stepped on something at the beach and the wound had not healed nicely even after several weeks, it turned out that glass particles were still left behind INSIDE the wound and the doctor had to open it up again and clean it up. I began to suspect that my first wound might have been caused by glass shards too and that it might still be in.

I disinfected some sharp implements with alcohol, braced myself and proceeded to break the skin on Wound 1. I poked around  with the tweezers and felt something  - it was tiny piece of glass splinter. I've pulled it out, rewashed and rebandaged my foot. I feel much better now.

Hubby has been reprimanded.

Next time, pag may nabasag, magwalis/vacuum/swiffer/whaever and to tell me! Thankfully, it was me who got injured and not our child.

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