We recently ordered a glider & ottoman for rocking and soothing the baby to sleep. It arrived a couple of weeks ago and we were able to set it up in the master's bedroom last week.
When we opened the box up, the glider was in several pieces which you have to screw together and the cushions had to be tied and others buttoned to the frame in order to attach it to the body. I had asked hubby to assemble the glider while I tended to Swe cha, some odd minutes later, I went to the other room and saw hubby holding the plastic-wrapped cushions. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "I guess you don't want me to tear off the plastic, eh ?" he asked.
If I could blush, I would've blushed.
You see, I am my parents' daughter. We have this propensity for preserving the newness of our things and hate to take the plastic off. In fact, when I was a child, I still remember picking the plastic wrappings off of the interior car door of our vehicle, note that the car was at least 5 years old by then. That was Dad's preference, I remember him berating me for tearing bits of plastic off, maluluma raw the car.
Mom's 4 year old laptop still has that clear plastic screen protector stuck to the screen and to the exterior of the laptop. She prides herself on how new her laptop still looks after 4 years. Pretty useless if you ask me because she's now shopping for a new one. So, who's going to enjoy her "brand-new-looking-old-laptop" now ? Sayang lang all those years she spent peering through the plastic because it messed up her view of the screen. Her portable DVD player ? Yep, still has that plastic on the screen intact.
As I was saying, I inherited this gene from both parents - sort of - and in my case, I tend to go gung-ho on slip covers.
My dining room chairs have slip covers - but time and time again, I've proven that this is sulit during those times when hubby and I have spilled or dropped soy sauce / seasoning, HA! My mattresses have mattress protectors and the baby's bed have water proof mattress savers,...
So anyway.. back to the glider. My concern this time was we got it primarily for baby-related use and our little one spits up every now and then. He's wreaked havoc on our wall to wall carpeting which we plan to replace with hardwood as soon as I am employed (or maybe not as we've learned to protect the carpet with rugs and towels and staying on the protected areas during feedings) and as the glider cushions aren't washable, I'd hate for baby to throw up on them.
The solution ? Slip covers. I looked around and found out that slipcovers cost at least half of the glider and sometimes, as much as the glider itself (and I couldn't find one that fits my exact glider) . With that, I decided to make my own. I rummaged around for this sturdy fabric that I have lying around, I got it years ago at a rag shop and I just knew that I was going to find a use for it.
I bring out my toy $12 sewing machine again, handed hubby the baby and got to working. In an hour, I had accomplished this:
It's not perfect and obviously home-made but it's the best I could do in that much time (with a baby in the house, you don't have that much time to spend on frivolous activities) and without the proper training and supplies (patterns, fabric markers, matching threads, a real sewing machine, etc).

This was how it looked like without the slipcovers, note that the picture shows black wood, ours is in cherry.
My verdict ? Pwede na :) and if I could do so, I would've patted myself on the back. Good job, no ?