Last week has been a very busy week for me. I'm now all caught up with work and almost 100% caught up with my correspondence, I have just a few more emails and requests to go through and I should be all set before the weekend sets in.
We presented our product to a big (potential) client last Tuesday and I've been busy preparing for that in the days preceding the meeting. That explains my lack of posts and why I have not been blog-hopping lately. In theory, we actually had plenty of time to prepare for this meeting since this was scheduled almost a month ahead of time, but you know how things go in our world - people cram.
Unfortunately, the work that I do places me at the end or near the end of the process and I usually have to suffer the delays and it's usually up to me (and my team, if they're involved) to make up for the delays. The sample data that our partner promised to provide didn't get to me until Thursday (it was promised a week earlier) and I worked non-stop, till the wee hours of the morning, to get it loaded and set up in my demo application in time for Tuesday. This even took up half of my weekend.
Anyway, the hard work paid off and the presentation was flawless (tooting my own horn here *wink*). It was a success so far as presentations go and we're now waiting for the client to make a decision on which vendor they would go with. I've done a lot of these sales presentations in the last several years and the excitement, while still there, does not last that long anymore. I'm not usually still this hyper days after the meeting but this one is different because no less than 6 people (from the client side) approached me separately (in the hallway, in the restroom, in the meeting room, etc..) to commend me on the presentation and to let me know that I'm doing a good job.
Nakakatuwa. Their kind words make up for the late nights ... somehow... :)
The best part, I think, is the fact that this was the first time that my new boss (since 2007) has attended a product presentation for this application. I'm hoping that seeing how our product is perceived by potential users would give him some ideas on how we could improve our application and do better in the future.
I have to say that my mood (while I was on the business trip) was also lifted a little by the hopes that I might be pregnant. My period is very regular and I can predict my next period to the day and oftentimes, to the hour too, and this month's got delayed and I was so hoping that this is it.
Sadly, we weren't meant to conceive a baby this month yet as I just got my period today. 9 days late. Hay. Home pregnancy tests can be quite expensive and I would rather forget how many I used up this cycle so I'm not even going to put the number down here. :P
A friend,
Ivy, advised me a long time ago not to get my hopes up each month because I might just be setting myself up for a lot of disappointment each month. Relax lang daw. She's right, I'll probably set an appointment for a pampering session at a local spa one of these days (haha, excuse!).