Here's an update of how my houseplants are doing...
These are my spider plants - I had purchased 9 baby plants off ebay and received 3 different colors (green, variegated with the white stripe in the middle and variegated with the green stripe in the middle). 2 out of the 9 survived but there are plenty of babies.
I've actually gifted spider plants to friends and neighbors and most of them are thriving.
Red Prayer Plant (Maranta) is 1 of 2 that I purchased off of Amazon last October 2020, these have grown bigger from the 3" pots and has had a few new shoots grow since receiving them.
Top shelf left are Wandering Jews cuttings that I received a few days ago. They're still being rooted in water, I hope they do root and survive.
2nd shelf left is a plant from office friend T, a gift she gave me last year and to the left is a lone Snake Plant survivor from an eBay purchase last August 2020. Interestingly enough, Snake Plants are described by Google as "hard to kill", I've successfully decimated several without really trying.
3rd shelf (lower) is the 2nd of out the 2 Red Prayer plants from Amazon and in the blue pot are 3 aloe plants from eBay, August 2020. Another aloe plant from the same batch is in a separate pot (bottom shelf).
4th shelf (2nd from the bottom) has a Batik plant and a Hypoestes 3" pots purchased from Home depot March 2020.
Yellow pot has a Fittonia (nerve plant), also a 3" pot Home Depot purchase from October 2020. This one has grown a bit bigger
Bottom shelf has a succulent from officemate T, this isn't looking too good. The bigger white pot is a 4th aloe from the same batch as the ones in the blue pot. This is bigger.
This plant in the yellow pot is a Lotus Fortune Plant which seemed to have lost its shape. When I got it some 5+ years ago, all the leaves were at the top and formed the shape of a lotus similar to this photo (black background, this photo is taken from the internet).