Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Study Area ver 2.0


When Covid-19 came out last schoolyear and we stared doing remote-schooling in March 2020, we set up Swe-cha's laptop in a corner of the dining table. That worked because they met with the teacher 3x a week, no more than an hour each time. 

When this schoolyear started, we initially stuck with the same set up but after a week, I knew it wasn't working. There were too many distractions because it was also where we ate and sometimes played games on tablets, phones and game consoles. 

So last week, I ordered another work table for Daddy (a 6-ft folding table or a training table), we got it yesterday and set Daddy's workstation up on the new table. The 4-ft folding table he was using was then brought down to this corner where we set up a study area for Swe-cha.  

I think this will also work out better because he has Physical Ed on some days and he will have enough space to exercise in front of the camera in this area. 

Hope this works out!

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