Friday, September 15, 2017

What is that Cloud ?

These days, Swe-cha has been showing a lot of curiosity.

If he sees something unfamiliar, he would ask "What is that ?" followed by "What is it used for ?".

So far, he's asked these questions about:
- my fins (used for diving), his response was "let's go race in the water!"
- my BCD (used for diving)
- the fish tank thermometer

Last night, I decided to grill some steaks for dinner. I fired up the grill, threw 2 steaks on it and then forgot. I didn't remember until Swe-cha points to the library / family room and asks "Mommy, what is that cloud ?"

Sure enough, smoke had come in through the door I had left open and it was collecting and hanging like a cloud.

I quickly rescued the steaks and they were still edible, despite being slightly charred on the edges and being very well done.

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