I say "partially" because the grass does get mowed by a neighbor, same neighbor also trims the front shrubs a couple of times per season. He does not trim the bushes in the back yard, unfortunately.
Our backyard had vines creeping in from next door, thorny bushes growing in tight spaces and several weed trees ("Tree of Heaven") have rooted and grown into trees with trunks several inches in diameter, we decided to get the place professionally cleaned and landscaped.
I am a bit disappointed with myself that I didn't get "before"pictures.
But here is a picture the day after did the cleanup.
I've asked them to remove the perennials I planted in the area around the lamp post. When I planted them years ago, the idea was to attract butterflies but all they attracted were bees.

We replaced the edging material in front - the original edging was already broken and torn in several places so we dug it up and installed a new one.
We also installed red mulch - 9 bags all in all (each bag has 2 cu ft.)
Now, hubby and I have both showered the dirt off and are resting. I have to note that the mosquitoes have also feasted on us so we're full of bites as well.
We've run out of mulch so we didn't get to do the backyard today. Hopefully, our old bones will still be up for it yesterday.
This is hard work.
The only person who is happy with today's activity is Swe-cha, he got to ride his Razor up and down the driveway and sidewalk while we were working.