Thursday, May 17, 2012
Consumerism at its Best
A Pampers representative responded to my email within a few days and told me that they'll be sending me a couple of coupons to make up for the torn diapers. I was happy to receive an acknowledgement of my complaint but I wasn't really happy about the coupons because we buy our diapers via subscribe & save at Amazon and they don't accept coupons anyway.
Some time later, I received 2 $10 coupons in the mail. Each $10 coupon could be applied to a single pack of diapers worth $15 or more. This is where it gets tricky. Diapers for our size come in $13, $29 (84pcs) and $49 (132pcs) from the grocery stores. Pampers was very sneaky & creative with their coupon restrictions because even if you discounted the $10 off of the $29 & the $49 boxes, there's no way the prices will even come close (per diaper) to Amazon's.
Kainis, right ? It's like they gave you a pampalubag-loob, but it's useless anyway. I just stuck these in my wallet after I figured out how useless these were. Oh, and the coupons expire in 2 months, it's not like they give you plenty of time to wait for a good sale.
I wasn't happy, UNTIL today.
At the supermarket, I see that the box of 84s (size 5) were down from $29 to $23 AND if you purchase 2 boxes, you get a $6 coupon applicable to your next shopping order. This sale combined with the coupons brought our price down to 18c per diaper (compared to Amazon's 22c per diaper) AND if I count the $6 coupon we received for buying 2 boxes, the price goes down to 14c per diaper.
NOW, I'm satisfied.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
What are little boys made of ?

and puppy dogs' tails
that's what little boys are made of.
My little boy proved the old nursery rhyme true this afternoon when he dropped this into my hand without warning. I thought he was giving me a leaf and I couldn't stifle my scream when I realized what it was that he put in my hand.
And the little boy ? He just laughed and laughed. He thought scaring Mommy was just hilarious.
--- cross posted on our family blog
Monday, May 7, 2012
Food blogger - NOT!
Maybe I should start a "guess what/where we ate" trend? That chopstick wrapper beside the tray should be a nice giveaway :)
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Cinco de Mayo and #CoronaRita
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Chili’s Grill & Bar for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
We had a wonderful Cinco de Mayo celebration yesterday. Hubby and I had our baby...., well, toddler, with us so we weren't really in a Margarita or Tequila mood. It's a shame though because Chili's Jose Cuervo Especial Tequila and CoronaRita Margarita sound really good.
Fortunately, the weather has been getting warmer lately - yay, summer weather, finally! - and it's easier and more conducive to going out and today, we plan on having a family lunch at Chilis. Hubby is driving and I'm no longer breastfeeding so I can have CoronaRita at Chili's while enjoying that CheeseSteak Slider dish that I've been imagining for a while now. Hubby is looking forward to his usual sirloin steak.
We haven't really decided what to get our toddler yet, but it shouldn't be difficult as Chili's does have a wide selection of soups (my son is a soup-addict) so we can always order soup as a backup if he does not like what we get him.
The best part about eating at Chili's is that you can do so even if you are on a budget, lunch combos (yes, combos!) start at $6 and they still have our favorite promotion of all time, the dinner for 2 for $20. This comes with 2 dinners plus an appetizer - we used to go to Chili's all the time while I was still pregnant with my son. I remember vowing to try a different menu the next time we go but when we get there, I couldn't get my mind off of Chili's ribs - I blame pregnancy hormones =)
How about you ? Did you celebrate Cinco de Mayo ? How do you plan to spend today ? Or the rest of your summer ?
Note: You must be 21 years or older to drink alcoholic beverages and as always, please remember to drink responsibly
Saturday, May 5, 2012
My husband is a smart guy
When I entered the kitchen, I was waiting for the smells to assail my nose and was surprised to see all the trash bags gone.
Wow. Hubby actually threw out the trash the night before ? and without even being told to do so ?
Double wow.
Hubby, you see, has to be told what to do. If you do not ask him, he's okay with just letting full trash bags accumulate. You could pile up loads of clean laundry on our spare bed and he'll just pass by or play games on the side and won't fold unless I ask him to.
I usually just throw trash out myself because I'm tired of having to ask all the time but if I have Swe-cha at home with me on a rainy day, then I can't handle both him and the trash because he will want to go out to run and I don't want to tempt him to go outside.
That night, I was so happy and I thanked hubby over and over.
And then a few days later, it hit me. Teka...
It's okay to be thankful if he threw out the trash or did a household chore but why would I be this happy about it because shouldn't he be doing this anyway ? Parang weird right ? That's when I realized what he's been doing... it was an AHA moment. All along, hubby has been training me to not expect anything na so when he actually makes the effort, I'd be so happy =D