We didn't have any luck apartment-wise, all the units that we've seen are tiny compared to the space that we have now - and mind you, we live in a condo so there isn't really a lot of space to start with. Some are also downright depressing... it didn't help that the temperature was around 90 degrees out there and that the airconditioning wasn't turned on in the model units. We felt that we were in purgatory (we first thought that it felt like hell, but we decided to be kind and take this down a notch).
Oh, there were also some beautiful apartments. The thing is, the price was beautiful too. You really get what you pay for Hubby and I fell in love with a complex that even had a private theater in the clubhouse, you can use that and even have it reserved for private parties - for free. How cool is that ? Unfortunately, we both weren't willing to pay extra for the luxury. Looks like we're gonna have to schedule more trips out sometime and look for more options.
Of course, the trip wasn't entirely for business purposes... we took a detour into downtown Boston and enjoyed the sights. We got to go to the Museum of Science - which we both enjoyed... and later on to MIT to check out robotics-related stuff in their museum.