So this recent winter, we've noticed that the air intake vent for our central AC looks very dirty. We've been in this house for years and no one remembers how this used to look like before - was it brown ? silver ? was it clean when we moved in ? I remember hiring a company to come and clean out the vents but I don't remember them scrubbing the actual vent cover.

For sure, we knew that it wasn't clean.
Okay... I admit, I'm 100% it is dirty.
You know, the kind of dirt that builds up on the blades of the ceiling fan ? That type of dirty.
At some point, the husband gets on a ladder and starts wiping and scrubbing with a few sheets of Lysol wipes.
... and the layers of grime started coming off.

I don't have pictures of that step where we both got on ladders and then wrapped the grate in plastic wrap, section by section, and then spraying with Easy-Off.
After letting it soak. Hubby then started scrubbing.
A couple of hours of elbow grease later, tadaaaaa!
For the record, silver pala siya.